Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! As your Director of Missions, I want to thank you for your support of the Association and our ministry together in 2009. I look forward to our life together as we move into this new year. My prayer and vision is to help facilitate at least a 15% kingdom growth in East Hillsborough county during 2010. I pray for you and your church in the goals you have set.

Several of the goals we began to work toward in January, 2009 have been accomplished. We have had churches like Parkway (formerly Berea) that has turned around with the revitalization efforts implemented by the Association in partnership with the Florida Baptist Convention. We are organizing pastors and lay persons to be Foundation Builders to help in the continual revitalization needs of this nature as we move into 2010. please, consider helping us.

As this year ends, we celebrate the completion of the “Missionary-Minister’s Apartment” in our facility. Our desire is to offer it for use as a place of rest and care for ministers and missionaries. As a part of the Association, we would like to give you the opportunity to express ways in which you, your staff or ministry could use the facility. Thank you to each and every volunteer and church for your support in completing this project.

Two years ago we shared that we had a $50,000 note that we had paid down to $32,000. I am glad to report that this year that note is down to $20,000. As you and your church plan the 2010 budget, we encourage you to consider renewing your help and possibly increasing it so we can get that note down at least another $10,000.

Like many of our churches, we have had to adjust our budget this year because of the economy, however, we are planning to adjust and do more with less. Thanks for your continual support. Please let me know how I might better minister to you in the New Year.

On behalf of all of our Association family and staff, we wish you and yours a wonderful and prosperous New Year.